The Endless Summer BloomStruck® Hydrangea

Hydrangeas have long been a favorite among gardeners for their stunning blooms and vibrant colors. Among the various hydrangea varieties, the Endless Summer BloomStruck® stands out as a true gem. Known for its resilience, extended blooming season, and captivating color palette, this hydrangea variety is perfect for both novice and experienced gardeners. Let’s delve into what makes the Endless Summer BloomStruck® Hydrangea a must-have for your garden.

A Bloom for Every Season

One of the standout features of the BloomStruck® Hydrangea is its ability to bloom on both old and new wood. This means that even after a harsh winter, you can expect an abundance of flowers in the spring and summer. Unlike other hydrangea varieties that may only bloom once a year, BloomStruck® offers continuous blossoms from late spring through fall. This extended blooming season ensures your garden remains vibrant and colorful for months on end.

Vivid and Varied Colors

The BloomStruck® Hydrangea is celebrated for its stunning and varied color palette. The flowers can range from deep, rich blues to vibrant pinks, depending on the soil’s pH level. Acidic soils produce blue blooms, while alkaline soils result in pink blossoms. This unique characteristic allows gardeners to experiment with soil treatments to achieve their desired flower color. Additionally, the sturdy stems of BloomStruck® ensure that the heavy, mophead blooms remain upright, adding to the plant’s visual appeal.

Exceptional Hardiness

Resilience is another hallmark of the Endless Summer BloomStruck® Hydrangea. This variety is hardy in USDA zones 4 to 9, making it suitable for a wide range of climates. It can withstand both heat and cold, ensuring it thrives in various environments. Moreover, BloomStruck® is resistant to common hydrangea pests and diseases, such as powdery mildew and leaf spot, which means less maintenance and healthier plants.

Versatile Garden Addition

Whether you’re looking to create a vibrant border, a stunning focal point, or a colorful container garden, the BloomStruck® Hydrangea fits the bill. Its compact size, typically reaching 3-4 feet in height and width, makes it a versatile addition to any garden layout. The plant’s lush, dark green foliage provides a beautiful contrast to its vivid blooms, enhancing the overall aesthetics of your garden.

Easy Care and Maintenance

Caring for the BloomStruck® Hydrangea is relatively straightforward, making it an excellent choice for gardeners of all skill levels. Here are some essential care tips to ensure your BloomStruck® thrives:

  1. Planting Location: Choose a location that receives morning sun and afternoon shade. This balance of light ensures optimal growth and blooming.
  2. Soil: Well-draining soil is crucial. Amend the soil with organic matter to improve drainage and fertility.
  3. Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist, especially during the first few years after planting. Mulching around the base helps retain moisture.
  4. Pruning: Minimal pruning is needed. Remove spent blooms and dead or damaged wood in early spring.
  5. Fertilizing: Feed with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in the spring and again in mid-summer to promote healthy growth and abundant blooms.


The Endless Summer BloomStruck® Hydrangea is a remarkable plant that combines beauty, resilience, and versatility. Its extended blooming season, vivid colors, and easy maintenance make it a standout choice for any garden. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, adding the BloomStruck® Hydrangea to your landscape will undoubtedly bring joy and satisfaction. Embrace the endless summer and let your garden flourish with the timeless beauty of BloomStruck®.

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