Unleash the Beauty of Your Garden with Incrediball® Hydrangea!

Are you ready to transform your garden into a vibrant paradise? Say hello to the Incrediball® Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens ‘Abetwo’), the latest superstar in the world of hydrangeas. This incredible shrub promises to captivate your senses with its massive, show-stopping blooms and effortless elegance.

Why Choose Incrediball® Hydrangea?

Spectacular Blooms:

Imagine having basketball-sized flowers adorning your garden. That’s right, the Incrediball® Hydrangea produces enormous, lush flower heads that can make your garden the talk of the town. These colossal blooms are not just big; they are also incredibly beautiful, creating a stunning visual impact that’s hard to miss.

Easy Maintenance:

Gardeners, rejoice! The Incrediball® Hydrangea is as easy to care for as it is stunning. Treat it like a perennial by pruning it down to just a few inches from the ground in the spring. This shrub blooms on new growth, ensuring a fresh and vibrant display every year with minimal effort.

Versatile Growing Conditions:

Whether your garden basks in full sun or enjoys a bit of shade, the Incrediball® Hydrangea is adaptable and thrives in various lighting conditions. This versatility makes it a perfect addition to any garden setting.

Moisture Lover:

This hydrangea prefers average to moist soil, making it an excellent choice for gardens with varying moisture levels. Keep the soil well-watered, and watch your Incrediball® thrive and flourish, rewarding you with its magnificent blooms.

Cold Hardy:

Worried about winter? Fear not! The Incrediball® Hydrangea is hardy up to Zone 3, making it a resilient choice for colder climates. Its sturdy nature ensures that it will come back strong year after year, ready to dazzle with its impressive flowers.

Perfect Proportions:

Reaching a height and spread of 5 feet, the Incrediball® Hydrangea fits perfectly into various garden designs. Whether you’re looking to create a focal point or fill a space with grandeur, this shrub’s balanced proportions make it an ideal choice.

Tips for Growing Incrediball® Hydrangea

  • Planting: Choose a location with full sun to partial shade and ensure the soil is well-drained.
  • Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist, especially during dry spells, to support healthy growth.
  • Pruning: In early spring, cut the plant down to a few inches above the ground to encourage robust new growth and prolific blooming.
  • Fertilizing: A balanced, slow-release fertilizer in the spring can give your Incrediball® Hydrangea a healthy start for the growing season.


The Incrediball® Hydrangea is more than just a plant; it’s a statement piece for your garden. With its enormous, breathtaking blooms and easy-care nature, it’s a must-have for both novice and experienced gardeners alike. Embrace the beauty and charm of this incredible hydrangea and watch your garden transform into a floral wonderland.

Happy gardening!

Shop More Hydrangeas:

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